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Test Right to Achieve Quality

Test Management Tools: Test Less, Test Right to Achieve Quality

Last updated on October 15th, 2022 at 07:20 pm

We all like to measure, and we do that all the time. When talking about software testing, we do that too. Thinking from a product analyzer’s viewpoint, there are different questions with respect to test cases. How many test cases are augmented in the regression suite? What is the coverage percentage progress? How many critical bugs have been found in the cycle and managed? How many hours of testing does a tester run in a day? And the list goes on. Testers should emphasize quality over quantity. This is where test management tools in place can be very beneficial in managing all test cases successfully. 

Measuring Test Cases is not the Right Thing to do:

Most of software testers know that metrics and measurements can be a time-consuming and dangerous tool. Why do we call it dangerous is because most of the time only the test cases that are being measured will be improved. It also means if testers count how many tests will be run each day, they will run more tests. Similarly, if they count the number of automated scripts, it will increase the number of automated scripts. Overdoing anything is not a good idea, Likewise, it is important to balance out measuring test cases, and start focusing more on the quality assurance aspect. 

This does not mean that testers should not test often or test at all. It is just important to find the right test management tools to achieve quality software which is the main aim of software testing experts. Testers require making their choices wisely here. It is necessary that testers understand the following:

  • Ensure understanding the feature that they need to deliver
  • Help developers in testing so that they do not depend on testers 
  • Define measurements and monitoring tools that can be carried out during production.=
  • Work on environments used by teams to test and develop a product
  • Communicate with support team to identify key improvement areas 

Ensuring that the above points are kept in mind, testers can make a smooth way towards delivering quality products. Test management tools allow managing all test cases, including failed tests, and successful tests. It helps in achieving the quality over quantity concept. 

Should a Tester Measure after Testing?

It is not possible to move at the end of the software development process without measuring the progress and quality. So testers have to identify the key problems they faced during testing, how they overcome them and what are their results. By listing all these questions, testers can have a clear view of all the test cases they have executed. Test management tools are something without which software testers cannot really perform their duty. These tools help them in managing all test cases while focusing on quality instead of quantity. It is important to realize that measuring is not always fun and useful. Sometimes it is time-consuming and can also cause testers to lose their tracks from their projects. 

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