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Write For Us

Who are we?

Software testing lead is one of the incipient media platforms that promise to offer all the exciting and latest technical content for its readers. We have writers and professionals who enlighten the readers with their experience and knowledge. People are fond of this site because their critical questions get addressed by technical experts. The content produced on this site can easily be interpreted by non-technical people. Hence, it benefits everyone.

The Topics We Cover

·         We cover topics related to quality assurance of software, security testing, testing tools, DevOps, agile testing, test management, and testing news.

·         We cover both existing and latest topics

·         We encourage content that is backed by facts and figures from authentic websites and offer a meaningful conclusion.

Recommendations For Guest Authors

If you want to share technical content related to the software testing industry, then we definitely need you. This is because; our main aim is to provide supreme quality content that offers useful information for analysts, entrepreneurs, engineers and investors.

This is what we do; now we will be telling you about the stuff we want from you.

Write and Submit Your Author Bio

·         The writer’s information should be attached to every post published on software testing lead. You must tell the reader about yourself in 200 words.

·         You must provide links to social media profiles such as  LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

·         You should provide your company name, personal website with designation and URL.

·         Provide your passport size photographs.

Submit your details on softwaretestingleads@gmail.com

Rules and Guidelines for Blog Posts

·         The word limit of the post must be between 600 to 1200 words.

·         It should be relevant and interesting.

·         The post submitted must be free of punctuation and grammatical errors.

·         The content should not be plagiarized.

·         The article must be supported by facts and figured from authentic websites and sources.

·         You are not allowed to overly promote your business in the blog.

·         Don’t link to incongruous industries and sources such as pornography and casinos.

·         Buying, selling and trading inks that appear in the article are strictly forbidden.

How To Select Topics?

When publishing content, our main objective is to attract our audience with the topics that they want to read the most. Therefore, we have selected particular topics, keeping reader trends under consideration.

1. Quality Assurance– A procedure that guarantees that a company delivers the best services or products possible.

2. Security Testing– A process proposed to disclose faults in the security mechanisms of the software.

3. Testing Tools– Tools that have numerous features and assist in testing the software both manually and automatically.

4. DevOps– Amalgamation of tools, practices and cultural philosophies that enhances an organization’s ability to deliver apps and services at a good speed.

5. Agile Testing– It follows the rule of the agile development process.

6. Test Management– It is the activity of managing the testing process.

7. Software Testing News– latest news related to software testing and quality assurance

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